Friday, October 23, 2009

Que Sera Sera

The Lark:
Deeper still the dark draws closer.
The light that was now dims and shimmers to a fade.
With this my hope, my love,
dies with the days adieu.
The moon glares then prods my wound.
But lo, the sun shines bright
and the moon is but an allusion of false romantic hope.
The final throb of daylight.
Eternal golden star
why have you deserted your post?
Have I grown to old?
Have my childhood dreams bored you?
Or simply has our love become cold?
But I have loved you my ethereal envy!
Though you promise tomorrow,
you have left me lonesome!
Come back my honeyed wine!
Your warmth is gone,
your hands no longer caress,
your breath no longer lulls my neck,
your promise broke at dusk.
Your depth scared me
unnerved me at a glance.
See how I quaked?
See how I quivered?
Did you not see
the power you held over me?
But oh, how I have loved you!
Shall I ever hope for your return?
Que sera sera
whatever will be, will be
how can it be?
Yes, dear shining star!
Affectionate cosmic shade!
My love and attention is yours
do not forget,
never disdain!
I looked for you tonight,
peering towards the sky.
I hoped for you.
For when I find you,
I will find myself within you.
My weak heart,
lost in her longing
wished upon your twilight ballet.
I dreamt of you
and in our memory I rest in you.
The Sun:
Sleep silently dear Lark.
Do not yet fill the air with your beckon call!
For morning is coming
to awaken the dawn!
To give passion to your heart
a lightness to your wing
I will come.
You are my hope!
My weakness and craving!
Hold still, stay quiet.
My shameless ambition is to taste your sugared mouth!
Take and deal with me as you desire,
for my love is solely yours!
I bend for you!
Eternally I come for you!
My pulse quickens
you flutter away with my heart!
Darling Lark!
You flirt with your eyes.
You dance with your words.
You peirce my soul
and steal away my love!
For I am yours in the morning twilight,
I am yours in the ebb of day,
I am yours in the milk of the stars.
But in the moonlight I can not help but fade.
Alight in the morning,
ascend to me.
Rise up my darling
and sing to me your sweetest melody!
Let me embrace your affections!
Let us whisper our love to the horizon!
Ascend to the sky!
The Lark:
You came softly in the crystal morning
your passion stirred me,
awakened my soul within her deep corridors.
How I have loved you!
Needed you,
Craved you,
Wanted you!
But you will leave
and I will wait the night.
With cruelty the moon will haunt me,
quick to mock my lonely heart!
My ache for you grew strong!
I cried out your name without reply.
I could not suppress myself,
I could no longer repress myself.
I have been decieved
my heart had been tricked.
Like a moth to the flame,
I thought I heard your voice.
My heart bound,
I took to the sky.
The snare captured me,
surrounded me.
And as the morning comes,
I remember you.
With clipped wings I sing.
Restrained by cage
yet my heart will not still.
This love can never die.
we who were,
we can no longer be.
I am cloaked with a dark veil
and you ride the vault of heaven.
Que sera sera.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Momentary Lapse of Fates

Like a child who stumbled to the ground
Do I stick out my chin pretend I am fine and grin?

To scared to stay
To scared to run
Broken vessels
Empty promises

Did I love you
Or do I love the memory of you?

Alice, Alice hold out your hands.
Drink this potion and find a man.
Swirling, twirling into this hole.
Quickly, quickly you have to be bold.

The time is short
You're rather old.

To gamble with a card of hearts
You pushed
Momentary lapse of fates
I fell